martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

VICTORIA - Our Fantastic Auxiliary English Teacher - 2020/2021

Victoria - Presentation

Fruits and colours

Thanksgiving Day - 26th November

Watch the video to learn more:

Now you can sing and dance: Turkey Hokey Pokey

Feelings and emotions

Play some word games to learn and practise emotions and feelings vocabulary:

Feelings and emotions song:

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

How plants make food

Watch the video:

1) What three things do plants need to make food?

2) What are the stomata and why are they for?

3) Why are the plants green?

4) What are the chloroplasts functions in a plant? 

5) Write a definition of photosynthesis.


Check your learning: QUIZ (page 57)

Write the letter A or B, and the sentence.

1) ...

2) ...

3) ...

4) ... 

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

Writing stories...

A Big City by Celia Nieto

Big City from TicTacTeacher

Little Town by Celia Puy

Love by Cintia Cuesta

In the home by Violeta Migoya

Once upon a time... by Sandra García

The Old, Old farm... by Adrián García

The big, big beach... by Iyana Tejedor

A Big, Big Universe... by Miguel López


miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

The cell

Vídeo 1) Cell structure, parts of a cell  (first 3 minutes)
 Vídeo 2) Levels of organization: cells, tissues, organs and systems.


Vídeo  3)  An intro for kids...     Miguel will love this one   ;-)


Vídeo 4) Fantastic visual introduction to cell.